Saturday, July 9, 2011

Full Frontal Nudity

And the beat goes on... and the beat goes on.  This coming Tuesday I will take the Marital Property Exam.  Thank God I took it pass/fail.  It promises to be challenging and, luckily we will have notes, books and whatnot to rely on.  The ability to use our notes will make the curve more shallow and as long as I don't COMPLETELY miss the target I should get my P and be done with it. 

Besides summer exams, summer school is just about done.  I have one ADR class remaining (week long sit in the cold room and have a negotiation competition for three credit hours) then I will have three glorious weeks of summer to play with my son, wife and zergling.  And by play I mean get our house ready for the arrival of Liliana. 

Now that you have been updated on my life, here is what you're really here for:  ( o Y o )

A few nights ago I had a "Momento-esque" dream.  Funny thing was I didn't realize I was dreaming until I woke up. 

I see a light from behind my closed eyelids.  What is that? I think to myself and begin to open my eyes.  I am temporarily blinded by the sun streaming in through the window and wonder whose bed I'm in and more importantly where in the hell I am? 
What happened last night? I ask my inner voice as I swing my legs to the side of the bed.  My pajama pants clinging with static to my legs as I step onto the wood floor.  My eyesight is returning and I can see the room I've landed.  To call it nice would do it a gross injustice.  The king-sized four-poster bed is one of three articles of furniture in this glorious room.  Sheer white curtains surround the bed on all sides.  The linens  too are white and smell of lavender.  How did I get here? 
I push the curtain aside and move about room.  A dresser and desk are the only other furniture pieces in the room.  No TV, No Phone, No lights, (like Robinson Carusoe it's primitive as can be, I sing to myself).  I see a continental breakfast waiting for me on the desk.  The water glass is sweating.  I move to it and drink it down in one gulp.  I didn't realize how famished I was until I begin eating the breakfast without regard for who put it there or whether it was poisoned or not.  It didn't taste poisoned and I couldn't imagine a more tranquil place do die.
I sit at the desk and kick back.  I closed my eyes and the darkness that envelops caused a flash.  I see people but it's like looking through think fog.  A man in a white shirt.  A lady in a yellow dress.  Were they dancing?  A knock at the door startles me back reality.
The visitor knocks again and I move toward the door.  I look through the peephole and see a man in a polyester white jacket with black piping, a steward.  He must be here for the dishes. 
I let him in and he moves sliently to the desk, picks up the tray and starts to head out. 
"Um, Excuse me" I say to him and he looks at me quizically.  "where am I?"  he smiles, it's what I was afraid of.  "English?"  I ask with my hands up hopefully.  He smiles again, his teeth reflect years of smoking and the absence of a toothbrush.  He points to his chest.  I see the crest of the hotel I've landed in and notice the name: Serenity. Usually the name of the location you're staying at is below, but curiously enough, this does not. 
He gestures past me and continues about his duties.  I watch him walk down the hall and head back to my into my room. 