Thursday, August 11, 2011

Back into the Breach

It's really been a month since I've written?!? 
I hope you all (all four of you) will mind the irony of writing to complain that I don't feel like writing. 
Being forced to write (papers for class that should not require papers) kind of turns me off to writing for fun.  The stress of having a deadline for an informative paper for a pass/fail class seems silly to be but, I do what is asked. 
I begin thinking about being forced to write when I'm a lawyer.  I hope I will have the motivation to write (seeing as it will be my JOB) and not be beaten down by it as I am now.  On the other hand academic papers are not exacly legal briefs. 

Next Monday marks the beginning of the end of my Law School adventures.  after 16 short weeks I will have my JD and plundge head first into bar prep.  While I will miss actually going to the school, it is not the classes that I will miss, instead, I wil miss my friends and organizations I'm involved in.  The social aspect of school has always appealed to me, not so much the classes, as my grades show.

Besides the school, and work, it's HOT outside.  DAMN HOT!  100+ heat for about a month.  Keep cool and stay thirsty :)