Sunday, May 29, 2011

Emotion Project

While I know humans can express seven basic emotions:  Happy, sad, fear, surprise, anxiety (anticipation) , anger, disgust.  These pictures expressed the closest representations that I could find in my library.

 He was hitting a piƱata, not an enemy.




(Look at the second row) This picture needs explanation.  I had bowled the best game of my life BUT, I could finish because the alley "closed"

Jude started moving when Aiden was holding him.

Friday, May 20, 2011

10 days off

School officially ended for me on May 10 after taking my Legislation final.  Since then I finished two audiobooks (hey I have a 40 minute commute to and from work).  Both were quite enjoyable.  I finished the Five People You Meet in Heaven.  I liked the story and how the author explained his belief of the afterlife.
I like to believe that we are all interconnected in intangible ways and effect each other through our actions, not matter how routine they may be. 

The second book I finished was Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.  This book was the only way that I would have EVER read Jane Austen, willingly.  Smith wove a zombie plague into one of the English language's greatest works of literature.  I longed for the kitana wielding Elizabeth to slay zombies and on occasion ninjas.  This addition made the book interesting as I loathe banal discussions about society. I felt w/o the zombie addition it would have been like the Real Housewives of Meryton.  I really enjoyed Elizabeth and hope my daughter won't put up w/ anyone's crap either.  I have a feeling she will be as headstrong as both of her parents. 

School starts bright and early on Monday.  This will mark the first time I've taken day classes w/ "daddy's money."  As I will be coming to and from work to attend these classes I look forward to odd analysis my classmates may come up with when dealing w/ martial property.  As for the me, I will attempt to keep my snarky comments to myself. 

When is a door not a door?

When it's a ajar.
ba-dum chink!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

What a Weekend (Part 2)

Saturday my nephew Sebastian turned 1.
The weather could not have been better.  We're talking low 70s and scattered clouds (for May that's REALLY nice weather).
I learned a few things while shooting:
1. Shooting manual has it's disadvantages
2. Photos are better when they don't know the camera is on them...(usually)
3. I love the sun.
4. After shooting for 2.5 hours your back may start to hurt.
5. It's all worth it when you get that perfect shot.

My Boy



Jaci and Aramis

Sebastian and Jamil

Da Cake!

Birthday Boy

Cake, couple and Kid

Minha Sogra Querida

The Party

Batter UP

It's heavier than it looked

Still Radiant 

Mother and Son

The Rojas Family

What a Weekend (Part 1)

Starting with Friday Texas Wesleyan School of Law had its graduation.  It was motivation for this last push toward December 9, when I finally graduate.
I didn't have time to take pictures after the ceremony (as I had to get back to work).  Additionally the light was HORRIBLE for shooting at a distance.  These were the good ones that I managed to get.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Light Writing

What do you do when you have a lightsaber and a dad that loves to take pictures?  
First attempt

Right effect wrong person

Great face

A's are easy w/ the saber.

It looks like a G but it's supposed to be a C

Mini flashlights are much easier

Add caption

Ghost imaging

More fun w/ lights

My sister in law

The anti-climatic end of my penultimate semester.

Last night as I entered the exam with 15 minutes before the exam began, my nerves were calm.  I usually show up and set up my computer half and hour to an hour before the exam but this time I wandered the halls with my buddies and we laughed and joked about how or final exam was to "write a judicial opinion;" how hard could that be? 
My legislation class ended with a final exam based off the Speluncean Explores hypothetical.  Long story short four guys go into a cave and get trapped, three come out after having a friend for dinner.  These guys were charged with murder and the five justices could not reach a verdict.  Our part was to write in as the 6th judge to break the tie.  My opinion was to affirm the sentence and the poor men were to be hanged.  (got to follow the law).  The test was not easy and backing up my argument with proper legal analysis proved challenging, but that's best part of law school exams. 
After the test it's over to Wine Thief with the creater of the test and my buddies to discuss politics, women, drinks, law, women, jokes, rumors, and women.  It was the end of my last REAL semester (summer school doesn't really count.) We enjoyed the "hurricane" that passed by and each other's company.

After the first year, law school loses it's luster and it's just school from there on out.  You no longer feel (or pretend to be) smarter than those around you that are NOT in law school and you look at the new 1Ls as bright-eyed children full of the majesty of the law.  While I still enjoy law school, this last semester was more enjoyable because I didn't worry about my ranking or my GPA (both are pretty much set in stone).  I would have worried if I were at the tip-top of the class, but luckily I'm not and could focus my attention on helping others get the most out of law school. 
Though the end of the semester was anti-climatic I enjoyed the semester.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day and Dad's Birthday

My dad was born on May 9th.  Unfortunately for my mom she would routinely share Mother's day with my Dad's Birthday.  My dad turned 55 this year so my mom wanted to throw him a birthday party.  She invited old friends and former co-workers that had since retired.  He enjoyed the day.

Besides his friends all three of his kids attended the party.  The three of us getting together is tricker now with my brother living in San Antonio and me and my sister busy with work and school.  When we do get together we truly enjoy each other's company and the inevitable Olivas roasting (by our spouses) always creates belly laughs.


Brother's Wife



Wife w/ Lili
the spouses

My 90-year young Grandma


Happy Birthday Dad
The party was a great way to celebrate not only my Dad's Birthday but to relax a little after my three finals this past week.  One more to go and then my penultimate semester of law school is done!
