Monday, May 2, 2011

A Step Backwards

Last night I picked up my "new" camera.  It's Nikon D80 lovingly used.  I scored this deal through a friend of my wife's, Andrea.  She told me that her friend Mickey was selling a D90 (actually a D80 but hey can't blame the girl for trying).  I asked the C.O.'s permission and the following day I got it.  While I was expecting just the body I ended up w/ the battery, charger case and a couple of Macro Lenses. 
I attached the 70mm-300mm Nikkor to it and can't wait to start shooting again. 

My associate here at work wants to get pictures with her dog (that might be tricky) and wants it in a western setting.  I told her I'd like to do it and when we get time we will.  Not today.  It's raining.


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