Monday, June 27, 2011

My Underutilized iPhone Camera

While I love using my Nikon (D80 or D90) I often times overlook the incredible resolution and crispness I get from my iPhone 4's camera.

Contemplating evolution (SO3 Ranch)
I'm one of those "wired in" kinda guys that will not leave his house without my phone.  This past weekend I didn't feel like lugging around my D80 while going out w/ my friends, but I felt like taking pictures.  So, while toying w/ the idea of just using my iPhone for a few weeks to capture shots, I pulled out my phone and fired a few ones.

While it does not have the control and will require quite a bit more post production to get the look I want, this phone will get the job done.

Shooting Skeet 
Nailing shots, I have learned, is being in the right place at the perfect time at the perfect angle.
If any Apple programer are out there, find me a why to set my ISO and shutter speeds and we'll be cooking w/ gas :) Though, that will be asking quite a bit coming from a point and shoot PHONE.

Poker w/ Professors
 MOST of the people reading this blog have a phone on them at this very moment.  Some may even have iPhone 4s as well. I want to challenge you all and at least twice today, while checking your email and Facebook status, shoot a picture of where you're at (let's hope it's not in the can) and upload it to FB.

You might be amazed at what you discover when you look up from your social media and actually become social.
Albeit, many may check statuses while, shall we say, indisposed, (please spare us THOSE pictures); instead while at dinner, in traffic, waiting in line at the store, fire a shot and upload what you see to your FB.  
Gib Lewis in his trophy room (SO3 Ranch)

I really look forward to seeing what people come up with and how you guys view your lives or what you think is pleasing to the eye.  

Call it a social experiment; we can see who can jump on and post a picture of where we are at and what we are doing at particular time.  Example?  At 1:37pm (CST) I will most likely be at work.  I could take a picture of my workstation, co-worker, the classified door I have to pass through and leave my phone and all recording devices behind. 

"Studying" at Half Acre Hall, Flying Saucer- Ft. Worth

Texas Sunrise

Or we could set an alarm and fire a shot 6:42pm (CST), some of us may be out with friends, getting dinner, on our way home from work, on our way to school.
Texas Sunset
So for the rest of you wired-in folks out there have fun with this little experiment and good luck playing with your cameras phones.  I hope to see plenty of interesting, quirky, inventive and imaginative pictures.  Forward this along and let's see just who is up for it. 

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